The mission of Imagine Me Foundation is to provide community connections, promote education and offer hope and encouragement to individuals and their families who are overcoming cancer.


Who do we support? Imagine Me Foundation supports Men, Women, Children, Families, and All cancers. Cancer doesn’t discriminate! We’re here to help support you every step of the way!

If you or a family member is interested in providing and receiving support from other compassionate cancer patients or survivors and their families, please join us in a safe supportive environment for a time of sharing, healing, love, and empowerment. Group sessions are free and pre-registration is required. We hope to see you there.

Telephone Support Groups are available. To join our group discussion dial 319-527-3532.

Video Chat With Us Online Every Monday evening from 6 pm-7 pm. (PST)
Join us here.

*All information submitted is private and confidential and will not be shared with outside contacts or sources*